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Novel Coronavirus

Reports claim that it can now be transmitted from human to human.

“China confirmed that the deadly Wuhan virus sweeping the country can spread from human to human, increasing the risk of an epidemic.” – Business Insider (20 January 2020).

The spread of this virus can also accelerate during the Lunar New Year where people are traveling through airports and other transportation modes.

This particular strain of the virus has not been previously identified in humans and the World Health Organization (WHO) is still in discussions with China to investigate the source of the outbreak before any declaration of an epidemic. Similar viruses, however, are known to survive on surfaces for weeks.

CAUTION – The news of the Novel Coronavirus around the region is widespread in the media at the moment, leading to justifiable fears of a possible pandemic – or global outbreak.

Suggested Actions – Reducing The Risk of Viral Infection

Many concerned organizations, including hotels, hospitals, shopping malls, child-care centres, transportation facilities, and homeowners are looking for a comprehensive preventive strategy in anticipation of any kind of outbreak in their environment.

Besides best environmental practices with cleaning and disinfection/sanitization protocols, an important strategy is to PROTECT the common surfaces which are most likely contagious (doors handle, workbenches, toilet bowls, railings, chairs, etc.)

PROTECT – Proactive Strategy

Welcome to AEGIS Environment, where destructive and pathogenic microbes won’t be able to germinate as well as they used to. AEGIS Microbe Shield can be applied on any surface we come in contact with, in our daily lives.

AEGIS is an Anti-Viral/Anti-Microbial

AEGIS Environment – A protective layer on all surfaces which kills the microbe as soon as it contacts the surface. The crystalline protective nature of Aegis helps protect the surface as no microbial can grow on this surface thus protecting the same for weeks.

This protection lasts for over 6 months under usual cleaning and washes.

AEGIS is Safe

It’s an FDA and EPA approved product. ÆGIS™ Antimicrobial is not merely affixed to the treated surface; it is chemically bonded to the treated surface making it a permanent part of the surface and allowing it to remain functional even after long-term use.

The AEGIS technology is the only microbe shield in the world that does not leach, thus it does not encourage any microbial adaptation or mutation. AEGIS reduces the need for using toxic cleaning chemicals as pollutants are kept in control.

Friendly to the Environment & You

The AEGIS Microbe Shield is environmentally friendly. The AEGIS Microbe Shield addresses the two main ecological concerns associated with leaching antimicrobials: bleeding harmful toxins into the environment and the generation of adaptive organisms (superbugs).

The mode of action of the AEGIS Microbe Shield is physical and its molecular makeup alleviates these concerns.

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