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Top 5 Myths About Carpet Cleaning

Do you have trouble getting rid of ugly stains on your carpet because you are confused about which are the best carpet cleaning methods? Have you been depriving yourself of the joys of having a cozy and spotlessly clean carpet at home? Have you been dumbfounded by the various competing claims of different carpet cleaning experts about their techniques?

Well, it’s time to set the record straight.

In a nutshell, here are the top 5 myths about carpet cleaning:

  1. A new carpet does not need cleaning
  2. Cleaning the carpet frequently will ruin it
  3. A carpet deodorant is enough to keep it fresh
  4. All carpet cleaning methods are the same
  5. Renting a carpet cleaning machine will do the trick

With so many misconceptions related to carpet cleaning doing the rounds, you need to get your facts right. After all, your carpet was an expensive purchase, and ‘expensive’ and ‘dirty’ don’t go well together. You don’t want to be misinformed, try something random, and end up with an undesired result.

Most people are of the idea that vacuuming every now and then and getting the carpet shampooed by a professional is all that it takes to keep the carpet clean. But there’s much more to cleaning your carpet than just vacuuming it frequently.

In this post, we lay to rest the top 5 myths about carpet cleaning in Singapore.

A New Carpet Does Not Need Cleaning

First things first – you absolutely need to choose the right carpet for your home.

Once you’ve bought it, don’t fall prey to the myth that new carpets require no cleaning until it looks bad or smells bad. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Start early. Delaying the cleaning process will only let more dirt accumulate on your precious carpet. It’s a carpet, after all, so you won’t be able to see the minuscule particles that snuggle deep within the fibers! The longer you wait, the deeper they go. Gravity affects dirt in carpets too.

It is vital to your carpet’s longevity that you start cleaning it sooner than later. Don’t let the beauty of your carpet suffer by letting dirt and dust settle on its surface.

Cleaning the Carpet Frequently Will Ruin Its Look

Thanks to a continually evolving technology, most modern chemicals used in the carpet cleaning procedure are gentle on carpet fibers and do not harm their texture or colors. In fact, it is important that you clean your carpet frequently to keep it clean and looking new for as long as possible, especially if the traffic around it is high. If you’re apprehensive about using carpet cleaning products, you can first test them on a small corner of your carpet to see the effect they produce on it. If you’re satisfied with the results, you can proceed to use that product on the rest of your carpet.

But yes, chemicals burn and bleach, and how are you, the Regular Joe (or Jane) expected to know the ins-and-outs of chemistry and the periodic table? That’s why we suggest you use professional carpet cleaning service providers – they know what to do.

A Carpet Deodorant is enough to Keep It Fresh

This is another common myth that carpet owners succumb to. A carpet deodorant is a powder that can be sprinkled on the carpet to keep it smelling good and looking fresh as a temporary solution. However, it is important to note that these deodorants are made of talcum powder which is water-insoluble and keeps gathering on your carpet and ultimately gets stuck to its backing and fiber.

And if you think vacuum cleaning is enough, either for these talcum deodorants or for your carpets generally, think again! No amount of vacuuming can completely rid the carpet of this powder and do not even think of cleaning it with water because the powder mixing with water will have a disastrous effect on your carpet.

Renting a Carpet Cleaning Machine Will Do the Trick

Sure! This option seems cheaper than getting your carpet professionally cleaned, but there’s a high chance of serious damage to your carpet should something go wrong with the machine.

The predominant issue with these machines seems to be related to the extraction of water and chemical cleansers from the carpet once the cleaning is done. It takes a long time for the carpet to dry due to the excessive water left behind by these machines, which makes it a breeding ground for fungus, mold, mildew, and the like.

You wouldn’t experience such problems if you got your carpet cleaned professionally as Singapore carpet cleaners have specialized machines to do the job.

Where possible, always engage the services of accredited companies recognized by organizations like the Carpet and Rug Institute.

All Carpet Cleaning Methods Are the Same

Not true. Just as you would groom different pets differently depending on their fur, the type of cleaning methodology used depends largely on the fiber of the carpet.

For example, wool carpets are delicate and cannot withstand too much wear and tear. Hence, the cleaning methodology used on a wool carpet would be different from that used on one made of jute as it can bear harsh treatment better.

Whether you get it chemically cleaned, shampooed or steam cleaned, always consider the material of the carpet first to avoid any kind of damage to it. Professional carpet cleaners would best determine what technique needs to be applied to which material.


Don’t you just hate it when certain superstitions and myths keep you from doing something that could end up making your life better? Many misconceptions stop people from getting their carpets cleaned in the way that they should ideally be cleaned. However, busting these myths will be instrumental in helping you keep your carpet clean and hygienic and maintain its splendor for a long time. It will also help you arrive at the correct decision with respect to getting your carpet professionally cleaned.

The most important thing, of course is to clean your carpets to preserve your health. You can’t put a price on good health!

What’s Next?

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